…And Over

Mornings at our house are normally what I like to call chaotic organization. I wake up first because I am the one that takes the longest to wake up. I’ll be honest. I usually read one of my books while I am getting ready in the morning. But, that being said, I do know what time I have to stop reading and hustle.
Once I have had my shower and dried my hair, I move on to wake Aaron and Kiera up. Both of them tend to grumble when I wake them. I bring Aaron a cup of coffee and Kiera a cup of chocolate milk. Hmm… Now that I think about it, it’s almost like I am bringing a peace offering.
That’s when the chaotic organization begins. Without fail, Aaron will ask Kiera if she needs in the bathroom before he goes in. She almost always replies no and then ten minutes after he has been in the bathroom, she knocks on the door and declares she needs to use the bathroom.
After Aaron reclaims the bathroom and showers, it is Kiera’s turn to shower. Usually by the time I get the shower on and music playing Aaron has managed to coax her into the bathroom.
Out of curiosity, at what age does your child learn the meaning of the word ‘hurry’? This is a serious question. If you can answer that, then maybe I will have a time frame for when I can use the word and hurrying will actually commence.
“Kiera, hop in the shower.” I gently prod as she stands in front of the shower.
“Okkkaaayyy…” This is the usual response I get from the mini zombie. Finally and slowly she will step in the shower. I generally give her a few minutes to stand in the water. Kind of like soaking something… The longer she stands under the water, the more she will wake up.
“All right, baby. I am going to go get my clothes together. I’ll be back in just a few minutes to help you wash your hair. Ok?” I will ask as I turn to leave.
“Ok, Mommy.” She responds.
This is when I usually make it one step out of the bathroom door before I hear, “Mom?”
“Yes, baby. “ I answer and walk back to the shower, pulling the curtain back.
At this point, Kiera will ask me a random question about the day, or if I know what some boy said the day before or if I know why her Barbie’s hair has a curl in it.
I patiently answer her question; remind her that I am going to get my clothes together and head for the door again. At this point, it is usually a 50/50 chance of whether she will come up with another question or not before I make my exit.
After getting her showered and out, we then begin the process of fixing her hair and feeding her breakfast.
“Baby, you need to hurry and eat.” Aaron says as I brush her hair.
“I know.” She answers as she takes the tiniest bite known to man.
Aaron heads to the kitchen and makes Kiera’s lunch while I finish fixing her hair and prodding her each bite. By this time, I am watching the clock… I’m still not dressed but at least I have on my makeup and my hair is done.
Finally, I turn her over to Aaron so I can get dressed. It’s his turn to remind her to hurry as she gets dressed and brushes her teeth. She always has something to tell us and at six, she’s not so good at multi-tasking. When she tells us a story, she has to stop what she is doing to tell us. Then we are back to “we have to hurry, baby” and her response, “I know.”
Somehow, I have no idea, but somehow, we always make it out on time. We even make it out to the truck with a smile on our face… well, 98% of the time.
I wouldn’t change anything though. Some of my favorite memories are the laughs we share while we get ready in the morning. Even though it is chaos, and lots of repeating the word ‘hurry’ over and over…and over… and over.
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