Mom Fail

Monday night was our Girl Scout Troop’s Thanksgiving feast. It’s always fun for the girls to get together, eat and run around playing. Each parent brings a dish and we serve the girls before setting down and eating with them.
Now, before I go further, let me back up. Months ago, at one of our meetings we signed up to bring a dish. I put down that I would bring a dessert. I love to make desserts. There’s just something about making them that is fun and relaxing for me.
If Kiera needs something brought to school, I volunteer to make a dessert. Then I go check out Pinterest for an idea and make it.
Kiera knows this. For her birthday and other events, she looks at Pinterest with me for ideas.
I never realized how used to me baking a dessert she was… until Monday night.
My original plan was to make a dessert Sunday. I had already looked up and saved several new recipes. But, it just didn’t happen. By the time I made it to the store Sunday evening, I was worn out and did not have the energy it was going to require to make a dessert.
So, Monday at lunch, I bought two mini platters of cupcakes. I felt slightly guilty for buying them. I know. I know. It’s not that big of a deal. But, I just wanted to be that mom! You know, the one that is… well… super mom. Ok. I realize that is not realistic… and that is why I bought the cupcakes.
Fast forward to our Thanksgiving feast. I set my mini cupcakes out on the table and one of the Girl Scout leaders, Sonja, stepped up beside me. She placed a dish on the table and uncovered cookies.
“I worked really hard on these. I slaved away all day.” She said with a smile on her face.
I looked closely to see that they were store bought cookies, just like my cupcakes! We shared a laugh and finished helping set up for the meal.
After helping serve the girls their food, I begin making my plate. Passing by the desserts, I heard Kiera tell one of the girls, “Those cupcakes are my moms.”
I ducked my head, debating whether to say anything. I decided against it and followed her to a table to sit.
We had a great time, laughing and being silly with the other girls and their parents. “I’m going to go get some more food.” Kiera stated as she pushed her chair back from the table.
I nodded my head in acknowledgement and continued visiting.
A few minutes later, Kiera sat back down beside me. “What did you get, baby?” I asked peering at her plate.
She smiled and replied. “I got one of Mrs. Sonja’s cookies that she made.” She continued on with a mischievous glint in her eyes. “I already had one of your cupcakes. I’m going to see which one tastes better.”
I didn’t have the heart to tell her that they were both store bought. I’ll make up for it on Thanksgiving. Honestly, if that were my biggest failure as a mom, I would count that as a blessing.
Overall, it didn’t matter what I brought. The most important part of the evening was reminding the girls to be thankful for who they are and what they have.
The cost of those store bought cupcakes was $8. Kiera telling her Girl Scout leader that she is thankful for all her Girl Scout friends…priceless.
From our family to yours, we wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. On a personal note, I want to thank all my readers for following our journey. I am thankful for each of you!
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