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Just Love

I want to tell you a little about the special man in Kiera’s life, and mine, the man who supports me through even the craziest of times… Aaron.

Twelve years ago, when we married, neither of us could have prepared for the trials or the amazing joys that life has led us through. I honestly could not ask for a better husband.

Aaron puts in a full day at work, and then comes home and either helps or does all the cooking for dinner. After dinner, he spends time with us and then once Kiera is in bed, he works on projects for his side business. He never bats an eye when it comes to helping clean or put up laundry. When we are able, we take turns on the weekends giving each other time to sleep in.

I enjoy being able to help and volunteer for different things. As my husband, Aaron gets volun-told a lot. But, he always steps up to the challenge, bringing ideas and his talents to everything that we work on.

As a father, he always has time to play with Kiera, constantly letting her know how loved she is. It’s not uncommon for him to play Barbies, dolls, school, family, tea party, dress up, Legos or sometimes even the occasional wrestling match with Kiera.

In fact, one of my favorite things is to listen to Kiera giggling as she wrestles with her Daddy. Her squeals of delight as she gets a ‘ninja kick’ or ‘stomach punch’ in bring the biggest smile to my face… of course sometimes, those smiles on my face turn to a grimace when I hear a grunt from Aaron over a misdirected knee.

He can calm the tears from a melting Kiera or a stressed out me, knowing how to bring a smile to our face with a hug or a crazy joke.

“What do you love about Daddy?” I asked Kiera as she got ready for bed.

“Well… I love that he wrestles with me.” She said brushing her hair out of her face.

Continuing on, she stated, “I also love that he plays with me and can be silly.”

“Those are good reasons.” I responded, hugging her to me before helping her change into her pajamas.

“Really…” She said, pausing for a moment, looking up to meet my eyes. “I just love him.”

I don’t think she could have said it much better. Aaron, we just love you. Happy early Father’s day to the most wonderful man, husband and father. Thank you for being a part of our lives.

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