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Not Your Average Shorts

I’m constantly intrigued by the way Kiera’s mind works. It’s amazing the ideas she comes up with and the things that pop out of her mouth. The most amazing part is that when she says it she has this air of confidence about her that makes you want to understand where she is coming from.

For example, last week, we were getting ready to go somewhere. Kiera has had a growth spurt since last summer and so getting her dressed is a hit and miss kind of thing.

I had originally picked out a pair of denim shorts for her to wear with a white tank top, but when she put the denim shorts on they were a little snug. “Hang on, baby. Let me go find you another pair of shorts.” I said as I threw the denim pair on the ever-growing garage sale pile.

Rifling through her drawer, I found a pair of bright orange shorts with a white flower design close to the hem.

“How about these?” I asked, holding them up for her. “Do you want to wear these?”

“Sure.” She said as she took them from me and slid them on.

I sat back down to finish applying my makeup as Kiera slipped her flip-flops on her feet.

“You know what?” She asked.

“What?” I responded glancing at her while picking up my eye shadow brush.

“I’m going to wear these shorts because the white flower helps you remember that you shouldn’t be playing around gardens.” She stated confidently and without so much as a backward glance, she exited the room.

I, on the other hand, sat in my chair, holding my eye shadow brush mid-air wondering how and what that applied to.

Aaron passed Kiera in the hall and came in our room to find me sitting and staring at her retreating back.

“What’s wrong?” He asked.

“I…I don’t know that I could explain if I tried.” I replied.

It’s just your average day in the McNeely household.

Today is a special day, by the way. It’s my Mom’s birthday! Happy birthday, Mom. We love you!

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