Getting Schooled By A 2nd Grader
I remember years ago, listening to adults talk about how they were not familiar with certain games/technology. I distinctly remember thinking; I would never be that person.
Well, I am sad to report that it has happened and I am that person.
Currently, I am watching Kiera show Aaron how to play Minecraft. If you are not familiar with the computer game Minecraft… well… here is what I can tell you.
First, everything in the game is made out of pixelated blocks. Seriously, it’s all blocks... Second, you can build a house, there are spiders and I think maybe even zombies… Oh! And you have to destroy things to get things. There. Now you know as much about Minecraft as I do.
A couple of months ago, Kiera made a snarky remark. I can’t remember what she said. What I do remember is this part:
I laughed in response to Kiera’s retort, turned to Aaron and said, “Pssss… burn!” while pretending to touch my tongue with my finger and making a downward motion in the air.
Kiera laughed as she watched me. “Mom! That’s not how you do it!” She explained between laughter. She then showed me how to properly do a “burn.” I don’t remember how she showed me. I just try not to do it in front of her so she doesn’t correct me.
It’s crazy to think that she is going to be in the 2nd grade. It was just yesterday that she was dancing around in the kitchen, helping Aaron cook, while she sang, “I’m a chef, I’m a chef, I’m a chef, chef, chef.”
Friday and Saturday nights we let Kiera stay up late. Used to, even though she was allowed to stay up late, she would be asleep in the living room floor by no later than 9:30. That has been changing. This last weekend, she almost outlasted me. It was 10:30 and I was barely keeping my eyes open while she quizzed Aaron on police procedure because we were watching Live PD.
She’s growing up faster than we thought possible. But, I am loving watching the little lady that she is growing up to be.
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