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Winds Of Change

Kiera is doing well in school. She comes home tired, but excited about what she has learned and the things that are going on.

The first day that she had homework, she was ecstatic. We sat down at the dining room table and she began to read her book out loud. It was only two pages. I think the character’s name was Bud. It was Bud. I remember now because she kept trying to call him ‘but.”

Kiera reads very well. The only problem we have when Kiera reads to us is she tends to get off topic.

For example, this story was about Bud and his van. Kiera read the sentence, “Bud put a rabbit in his van.” Then she proceeds to follow up what she read with her own thoughts. “Why is he putting a rabbit in his van?” She asked.

“I don’t know, baby. Keep on reading.” I encouraged her.

It continued on like that until Aaron finally reminded her that we had a couple of other projects to complete and if we didn’t hurry and read her two pages, we were never going to get done.

She is really enjoying school, except in the mornings.

Mornings are and have always been a little rough around our house. I am not a morning person and I am afraid that Kiera picked that up from me. Mornings are even worse when we are tired.

The third morning of school, I was standing in our second bathroom, applying my makeup. Kiera came stumbling in the bathroom and stepped behind me. I turned to smile at her. By that time, I had already downed my first cup of coffee, so I could smile.

I tried not to snicker at my sweet girl standing in front of me. Her hair was hanging in her face; eyes squinted at the light and a stormy look resided on her face.

“Hi, sweet girl.” I said enthusiastically, hoping it would help change her mood.

She grumbled. Obviously me radiating happiness was not penetrating her morning fog.

“I don’t want to go to school.” She grumped.

I turned my back to her to finish applying my makeup and asked, “Why don’t you want to go to school?”

“I don’t like my teacher.” She stated with as much crankiness as she could muster.

Now, I knew that statement was not true. She had raved the night before about her teacher and her homework.

“Hmmm… Why don’t you like your teacher?” I asked innocently.

“Because! She gives us hard stuff!” She stated, her voice rising.

“Oh. Well, honey, she is challenging you.” I calmly responded.

“But, I don’t want to be challenged!” She exclaimed with a huff.

Inwardly, I smiled, thinking that there were days that I could relate to her statement. “That’s her job, sweetie. She wants you to become smarter and learn more.” I patiently explained.

By the time we dropped her at the steps of her school that morning, she had once again decided that she liked school and her teacher.

Being challenged is rough sometimes. Challenges often come along with change. I can honestly say, that I don’t handle change with the amount of grace that I should. I often overthink what will happen and how it will happen.

Today marks a change for me. After almost four years, I have decided to focus on our blog site, and our Facebook page, ‘Life According To Kiera”. The big change is that we will not be published on any more.

This is a personal decision that Aaron and I have discussed at length. Due to this change, I will be updating our Facebook page more often than once a week and I will also be blogging more frequently.

This will also enable me to add more variety to our page. To help me do this, I would like to ask for you to please share our Facebook page or our blog when you enjoy something you read.

I never imagined when I first started writing that we would have the followers that we do today. It is always amazing when I walk into the bank and someone asks how Kiera is because they follow our story or when someone tells me that they cried because of a sentimental story I wrote. I love to hear from other parents about how they are experiencing some of the same things that we are.

From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you for reading and supporting our blog.

Kiera and I enjoy hearing from you and letting us know from where you are reading. If you haven’t, make sure and follow our Facebook page ‘Life According to Kiera' or look us up online at

Thank you for sharing in our weekly journeys. If you have missed any of our past stories, check out our blog page at or drop us a line at



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