God’s Got Mail
Kiera is learning coding in school. She is in the second grade. I didn’t even know what coding was in second grade… I’m not even sure there was coding when I was in second grade.
Sorry. I’ll get back on track now.
Kiera is learning about coding and computers. She really enjoys it. In fact, when we found out that she could work on her coding at home, she was over the moon.
Several nights ago, we had family night at Kiera’s school. It was a nice time to hear the school’s plans for the year and get to talk with her teachers. They were very complimentary of Kiera. Her computer teacher said the only time that Kiera is still is when she is coding.
Her regular teacher said that Kiera is usually one of the first to have her hand up when a question is asked of the class.
She has also learned the art of “volun-tolding”. I do it to Aaron quite frequently. Usually it’s something like, “Oh, Aaron and I can do that.” Then I have to tell Aaron… and… ya…
Well, it is safe to say, Kiera has picked that up. Last week, she climbed into the car after dance class and said, “Oh, Mom! I voted you to get snacks for the class.”
I adjusted the rearview mirror so I could look at Kiera. “You voted me? When do you need snacks?” I asked.
“Tomorrow.” She replied smiling.
I drove to the store while Aaron explained the difference between volunteering and voting.
We are pretty proud of her. She has a good heart and she is doing so well in school. She retains what she learns really well. The other night, after she had worked on her coding for a short bit, I helped her climb into bed.
Covering her up, I kissed her and settled in to read a short story to her. “Do you want to say the prayer or would you like me to say it?” I asked.
“I’ll say it.” She replied.
Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and started, “Dear God. Thank you for today. Thank you for everything. And thank you… oh, wait.” She paused before saying, “Sorry. Back space. Back space. Back space.” Then proceeded to continue her prayer.
I bit my lip to keep from laughing as I wondered if God would be emailing her back.
Rowonna McNeely works with her husband, Aaron, at Willie’s T’s in the Art Department, regularly volunteers in the community, and has her hands full with her daughter, Kiera, along with three dogs, one cat and one hamster.
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