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Thankful & Blessed

Monday night is usually when I write my blog. Generally I wait until Kiera is in bed, otherwise, I would have to spend a lot more time editing than I normally do.

On a normal Monday night, we come home, fix dinner, do homework, run Kiera to dance… not necessarily always in that order. This Monday night was a little different.

Since school is closed this week for Thanksgiving, Kiera’s dance class is also closed, so no rushing off to dance. Aaron got off work a little early, so he went straight home and began dusting and cleaning. For the first time ever, Thanksgiving is at our house this year, so we are trying to make sure we are prepared.

Basically this particular Monday night, we had a little bit of downtime. We finished eating dinner. Kiera played on the computer and Aaron and I watched a thirty -minute show.

I have been feeling a little under the weather the last couple of days so I stretched out on the couch and laid my head in Aaron’s lap. Gracie, our cat, loves to lie in Aaron’s lap. Honestly, I think she likes him because he puts off the most heat out of the two of us.

As I lay there, she climbed up on his legs, turned in a circle and lay down. Not a moment later, Reis, our Great Dane, walked up to the couch and laid his head on my stomach, staring at me with his soulful brown eyes.

“What is it, baby?” I asked as I rubbed his head.

He continued to stare at me for a moment longer before he placed one gigantic paw on top of me. Knowing what was coming next, I shifted over on the couch. He put his other paw on the edge of the couch and climbed up and over me, settling down in the tiniest spot between the couch and the bend of my knees. Which is impressive considering his size.

He stretched out and placed both front paws up by my head, let out a large sigh and promptly went to sleep.

By this time, I am no longer paying attention to our show. I am looking at this huge lug that has placed all his trust in me and wants to cuddle me.

I glanced over to where Kiera was sitting, playing on the computer. Knowing that it was almost her bedtime, I called out to her. “Kiera, come here.”

She turned off her game and without any hesitation, climbed on the only part of me that Reis was not occupying and cuddled up to him. Laughing, Aaron stated, “Come hang out on the cuddle couch!”

Some nights I struggle, wondering what I am going to write about. This night, it all fell into place as I looked around my living room. Three humans, one extra-large dog and one cat were all piled on my couch. On the other couch, our other two dogs lay. Every one of us content… Every one of us loved and blessed.

Thanksgiving is just a few short days away. There are so many things that I am thankful for. I can’t even begin to list them all.

I’m thankful for my husband who works so hard each day. He comes home, cooks dinner and sometimes heads out to his shop where he works more. He is my partner and the other half of me.

I’m thankful for my daughter. I can’t imagine my life without her kisses before bedtime, her grumbling in the morning and her use of the word ‘literally’ in almost all of her sentences.

Our families, our parents, our friends, our pets, our jobs, our new home, Kiera’s school and dance school… I could go on and on. We are just blessed. Take time out of your day and think about all the good things in your life. What are you thankful for?

From our family to yours, May you each have a happy and blessed Thanksgiving.

Rowonna McNeely works as the Communications Manager for the Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce. She and her husband, Aaron are regular volunteers in the community, and have their hands full with their daughter, Kiera, along with three dogs and one cat.

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