Hash Tags with a Side of Sass

Several weeks ago, Kiera and I were leaving a restaurant in Stephenville. I was driving Aaron’s truck. “Where is the exit in this parking lot?” I mused out loud as I backed the truck up.
“I don’t know.” Kiera helpfully responded.
“Thanks, baby.” I said laughing and glancing at her mischievous face in the rear view mirror.
I drove around the parking lot to what I thought was the exit, only to find out it was a huge drop off.
Sighing, I put the truck in reverse as I stated, “Well, obviously that’s not the way out.”
My sweet, sweet child piped up from the back seat. “Hash tag, Mom’s a bad driver.”
I burst out laughing looking at her in the rear view mirror. “Did you just say ‘hash tag, Mom’s a bad driver?”
She smirked at me from the back seat. “Yes.” She stated seriously before giggling.
I cannot believe my child hash tagged me.
Monday night as we walked out of her hip hop dance class she and I were discussing the class.
“You’re doing great, baby.” I said.
“No. There are still parts that I can’t get.” She responded.
I unlocked the truck and held her door open for her. “That’s why I recorded it. So you can watch it at home and practice.” I stated.
“You just need to have a little more sass.” I explained before closing her door and opening mine.
She settled in her seat and buckled herself in. “I just don’t have any sass.” She responded.
I’m glad I wasn’t driving at that moment. I glanced at her in the rear view mirror. You don’t have any sass?” I asked just to clarify that I had heard her correctly.
“No. I just don’t have any sass in my body.” She responded seriously.
“Huh. I’m going to have to disagree with that statement.” I replied. “It’s ok though. We will work on it.”
I put the truck in drive and played my words back over in my mind. Yup. I had just told my daughter that we would work on her sass.
Rowonna McNeely works as the Communications Manager for the Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce. She and her husband, Aaron are regular volunteers in the community, and have their hands full with their daughter, Kiera, along with three dogs and one cat.
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