Reading Ninja

We have a reader in the house. A few days ago, I picked Kiera up from school. I was early and waited in line watching for her to walk down the steps.
A few short minutes later, she came out head down, reading a book. I watched as she continued to read and navigated down the first step. She paused her reading long enough to smile and acknowledge someone as they said goodbye to her. Then she immediately put her head back down and continued reading.
I couldn’t help but grin as I watched her. She continued to read and walk until she finally decided to look up and see if her ride was there. Her face lit up as she saw my car. Tapping one of the teachers, she pointed me out and they ventured over to the car.
After climbing in and buckling, she said, “Today in the library I picked out a non-fiction book! It is full of facts.”
She held the book up so I could see it in the mirror. “Here… Like this fact.” She stated as she began to read about rabbit’s feet.
I love how much she enjoys reading. Last week, a group came and brought books to the school for some of the classes. I’m not entirely sure who was responsible, but thank you to whoever you are.
Kiera has read her book at least 3 times, cover to cover. It’s not a small book by any means either. We are talking about 100 pages. In fact, the first day she had it… she read the entire book.
Saturday, she came in, woke me up and proceeded to read 2 chapters to me. Then declared that we would read another chapter when I had coffee. And she did.
One of the best parts about listening to her read is how she reads. She manages to put all the emotion in every word.
Aaron and I drank our coffee Saturday morning as she read Chapter 3 to us. Once she finished, she went to play. “Did you notice that?” Aaron asked. “She reads that book as if she is reading for a screen test.”
I laughed as I thought back on how she was reading to us. Not only did she read as if she was heading to the stage, but she made sure that we were paying attention as she read. Several times during the chapters, she would stop and ask us what we thought would happen next.
I feel fairly certain that is her teacher coming out in her.
I have gone online and ordered more of the series that she is reading for Christmas. I can’t wait until she opens them.
I do have to be careful since she is such a good reader. I’ve especially had to watch my text messages… since it is getting close to Christmas. She will suddenly pop around my shoulder and read my messages out loud before I can blink.
She’s like a little, sneaky reading ninja using her stealthy reading abilities to try and thwart my Christmas shopping plans.
Rowonna McNeely works as the Communications Manager for the Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce. She and her husband, Aaron are regular volunteers in the community, and have their hands full with their daughter, Kiera, along with three dogs and one cat.
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