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Let’s Hit The Brakes A Little

Monday night Kiera and I were walking out to the car to drive to her dance class. I pressed the unlock button and opened the door.

“Mom, I had an idea.” Kiera said as she looked at me with a mischievous grin on her face while climbing in the car.

I tightened my seat belt as I waited to hear this idea.

“I was thinking that when I turn 9, maybe, we could find a road that no one drives on and y’all could take me out there and start teaching me about cars and how to drive.” She continued on hurriedly. “That way when I am old enough to take the test I will be ready for it and I won’t have to try and learn it all at once.”

She had obviously put a bit of thought into this, because she wasn’t finished.

“I decided 9 might be good because that still gives you a little time to get used to it because I won’t be 9 for a little bit longer.” She finished and watched my face for a reaction.

Sometimes, I just never know what to say. I often wish there was a pause button so I could come up with the most appropriate and diplomatic answer.

“Well. Thank you for giving me time. I think that is a good idea to start learning about cars now so when you are older, you are more knowledgeable.” I stated.

Kiera smiled, before she responded. “Good. Because it’s not going to be long before I learn how to drive.”

This is the part where I wanted to put my head in my hands. Thanks for the reminder. At least this time, I didn’t confuse the conversation and think she wanted to hold my hand instead of actually needing a tissue.

Rowonna McNeely works as the Communications Manager for the Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce. She and her husband, Aaron are regular volunteers in the community, and have their hands full with their daughter, Kiera, along with three dogs and one cat.

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