Headed to India

Several nights ago, we were all sitting in the living room watching television. I don’t remember what the show was called… It showed some of the most unique houses in the world.
It was interesting to see how much money people had spent to make their house extremely unique and different. Some things about the houses were amazing and some things were… different.
We laughed as Kiera critiqued the houses. One house had a beautiful outdoor bathroom. Well, there were basically walls all around it but there was no ceiling. The only downside about it was that the home was in a monsoon area.
“That is just not practical.” Kiera stated as she watched the hosts swoon over the flowers filling the outdoor bathtub.
A short time later, the hosts traveled to a home in India. It was magnificent. Kiera quietly watched as they showed the different details throughout the house.
As one of the hosts swam across the infinity swimming pool that overlooked a valley, she piped up. “Mom. Buy that house.”
I laughed before responding. “Honey, that’s a billionaire’s house. And not only that, it’s in India!”
With a serious look on her face, Kiera pushed her self off the couch. “I’m going to go pack.” She stated as she walked out of the living room and headed to her bedroom.
We’re going to need a loan.
Rowonna McNeely works as the Communications Manager for the Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce. She and her husband, Aaron are regular volunteers in the community, and have their hands full with their daughter, Kiera, along with three dogs and one cat.
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