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Rub-A-Dub-Dub… Get In The Tub!

Every night, after dinner, Kiera takes her shower. It just works out for so many reasons.

We used to shower her in the morning, but for one, she is not a morning person so showers were filled with lots of tears. Two, her hair is so thick it would take forever to dry and that makes it hard during the winter months.

Showers in the evening though are not a simple affair. I guess there’s not a lot that we do that is simple… Anyway, it normally starts out something like, “Kiera! Time to get in the shower.” Aaron or I will say.

“Please, can I just have five more minutes?” Kiera will ask.

Sometimes, we relent and sometimes we tell her no. If we say no, then there are the deep sighs as she trudges off to the bathroom as if she is being sent into exile. From there, comes the task of getting the water the right temperature.

I understand that part. I’m not climbing in a cold shower.

Once the temperature is set, hair is out of braid/ponytail, she will often try a stall tactic by telling us a random fact or joke.

Finally, she steps into the shower. It’s at this point everything changes. Suddenly, she likes the shower… she wants to be in the shower. There is no hurrying. No fast showers.

Nine times out of ten, this is when she starts singing. It’s also when she becomes the most talkative. One of us will stay in the bathroom while she showers and listen to her as she tells us about her day, something that happened on the playground, or just a completely random out-of-the-blue story.

Often we have to interrupt her to remind her that she needs to be washing while she is talking. I can’t tell you how many times I have pulled the shower door back to check on her progress after five minutes of talking, only to discover her hair is only halfway wet.

I can’t complain though. I’m not exactly the fastest person in the shower either. Although, no one comes and visits with me while I shower… That’s not really an invitation for anyone either, just to be clear.

We do have fun with her though. Just last night, Aaron and her were singing karaoke as she washed her hair. It makes for crazy evenings around our house. Crazy, memorable evenings that I would not trade for the world.

Rowonna McNeely works as the Communications Manager for the Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce. She and her husband, Aaron are regular volunteers in the community, and have their hands full with their daughter, Kiera, along with three dogs and one cat.

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