Question and Answer

Monday night, we all walked in the house and into the kitchen. As we set the groceries on the counter, Kiera spied a contact case that apparently resembled a pillbox.
She picked it up, turning it over in her hands and exclaimed, “Are y’all already having to take pills?”
My reaction was automatic denial as I heard the shock in her voice that we were ‘that old.’
Ok… so I do have to take Vitamin D… but it stays in the cabinet, where I remember to get it out and take it… most days.
Let’s move on. As I thought about her reaction, I decided that I wanted to quiz her on different questions, just to see what her response would be. I am going to let you read some of my favorites.
Question 1: If you had a restaurant, what would you serve?
“Probably spinach dip and bread for the appetizer. Probably a pizza, sub and then… ya… no peppers or anything.” There was a slight pause before she added, “and you’d have to deal with it.”
Question 2: If you had to become a teacher for a day, what would you teach in class? “Reading. Definitely reading. No. It would be science. Yes, science. I really like science. Maybe PE… No. I’m going back to reading. Definitely reading.”
Question 3: If you had to leave home because of an emergency, what three things would you take with you? “Quack, Quack, clothes and shoes…” She looked around her room as she continued to answer. “Pajamas, books, my phone, a backpack full of food, a pillow…”
Obviously she did not hear the word "three" when I asked the question. I interrupted her and asked another question before she had her whole room packed in her mind.
Question 4: If you could make a new holiday, what would it be?
Without any hesitation, she responded, “Appreciation Day. It’s where you appreciate your teachers and your family and be thankful.”
Question 5: If you could ban one vegetable forever, what would it be?
Question 6: If you had to eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
“Spinach dip and bread. ‘Cause it’s good!” She exclaimed before adding, “And the drink would be milk and water.”
Question 7: Where do you think is the best vacation destination? “California, with my other family members.”
She has such a sweet heart and makes mine melt when she answers questions like that.
Question 8: If you suddenly had the means to go back in time, what would you do?
“I would go back to when I was a baby to see what good memories I could stock up in my mind.”
I’m melting again.
Question 9: What do you want to invent?
“I’d probably invent a machine that does your homework. I mean, I like school but not homework! Give a girl a rest!”
Question 10: If someone suddenly gave you a lot of money, how would you spend it?
“I would give to the homeless first. Then if I had leftovers, probably on snacks, more money and toys.”
Question 11: How many kids do you think you will have when you get older?
“Two. That’s my max!”
Question 12: What’s the ickiest food you’ve ever tasted?
“Avocados that got put in the pickle bag. That’s why you should make my lunch, Mom. Dad did that.”
Question 13: How do you make someone happy?
“Well, if it is at recess when they are feeling down, I ask what’s wrong. Then what I do is say you can play with me and my friends.”
Question 14: What words do you think best describe you? “Kind, unique, obedient, responsible and I’m a dog person!”
Question 15: What is something that makes your family special?
“They are unique, kind and help me when I’m down and they’re beautiful. They could go down a red carpet!” She then added, “and my mom is good at hip hop.”
Yes, I am! Ok... not winning any hip hop competitions any time soon, but I can practice her hip hop class with her! That definitely counts!
Rowonna McNeely works as the Communications Manager for the Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce. She and her husband, Aaron are regular volunteers in the community, and have their hands full with their daughter, Kiera, along with three dogs and one cat.
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