Science Buddies

Kiera came home from school about a month ago with a note that stated her class would be having a science fair. Each student would work on a science project at home during the month and at a specified date bring their project to school to present it to the class, then a couple of days later present it to a judge at the actual science fair.
Honestly, we were excited. Kiera and Aaron both love science. I decided to stay in the background on this project and let them enjoy the bonding time.
“What project do you want to do?” Aaron asked Kiera.
“I saw a guy on YouTube that charged his phone with a lemon. I would like to try that.” Kiera stated.
They poured over different ideas on the computer, but Kiera was set on trying to charge a phone with a lemon. Kiera and Aaron researched it, watched videos, and decided to move forward with it.
The project started with one lemon. That’s what the person on YouTube used to charge his phone… and we all know that if it’s on the internet, it has to be true.
The next thing I knew, Aaron and Kiera had bought two more lemons. The dining room table turned into the central science project station. A couple nights a week, they would huddle over the table with bits of copper wire, nails, lemons and a voltage meter. My handy husband became more and more frustrated as time went on.
“It’s showing it has power.” He grumbled. “But it will not power the phone.”
“Look, Mom! It says it has 2 volts!” Kiera exclaimed.
A few days later, when I glanced over to the dining room table, I noticed that instead of 1 or 2 lemons, there was now a bag of lemons, along with a small bowl that was filled with lemon juice. Without saying anything, I quirked an eyebrow at Aaron.
“Well, we are thinking that if we get a little power from one, we will see what a bag can do.” Aaron stated defensively. Kiera nodded in agreement and they huddled back together again.
Finally, the Saturday before the project was due, they were able to get enough power to light a small LED light bulb. There was never enough power to charge a phone but they were ecstatic and relieved to finally get something to work.
Monday, we sent her off to school with a container of 10 lemons linked together with copper and zinc nails… and Aaron breathing a sigh of relief. I’m fairly confident that in the last month we have done our part in helping the lemon industry.
In fact, just for your safety, I would avoid mentioning the word ‘lemon’ to my husband or child for the foreseeable future.
I can’t wait until Wednesday to see how she does. She did a great job designing her board and giving her presentation to us. Aaron and Kiera created some great memories working together and both of them will probably cringe the next time a waitress asks if they want lemon in their water.
Rowonna McNeely works as the Communications Manager for the Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce. She and her husband, Aaron are regular volunteers in the community, and have their hands full with their daughter, Kiera, along with three dogs and one cat.
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