In Good Hands

I apologize for bailing out on each of you and not having a new post last week. I had surgery last week and after being put under… my brain was not up to processing at full speed. Probably not even half speed, if I am going to be honest. Actually, that is almost scary considering what I might have written…
By the way, my surgery was nothing crazy. I still have all my body parts for those that are worried. I had some female stuff done and I won’t bore you with the details. You’re welcome.
The morning of my surgery, I had to be at the Surgery Center at 6 AM. Yes… you read that correctly. Since I had to be there so early and Aaron was taking me, my in-laws came over to get Kiera ready for school. We had already discussed that Daddy and I would not be there when she woke up but that Daddy would call her before she went to school and I would leave her a note.
I sat down that morning and wrote her a short letter, reminding her to brush her teeth, where her glasses were, things of that nature. I also added in how proud we were of her and how much we loved her.
I found out later that she carried the letter around with her all day long. She didn’t even fold up the piece of letter size paper, just carried it that way the whole day. My heart melted when I heard that. She also drew several pictures for me that she gave me when she got home from school.
My surgery was Friday morning. I don’t recall a lot after my surgery. I vaguely remember apologizing to my recovery room nurse for being needy. She assured me that I was not needy. Considering I couldn’t figure out how to get my hand out from under the sheet, I felt a little needy.
I slept on and off most of the day. But, I do remember the two most important people in my life taking care of me through out the day.
Once we made it home, I went straight to bed. Aaron went and picked up my medicine and came back and camped out on the bed with me. He made sure I had anything and everything that I needed. When Kiera came home from school, she came and cuddled me.
Saturday afternoon, after taking my pain meds, I headed to the bedroom to take another nap. Kiera followed me and stayed with me while I slept.
Together, the two of them cooked, cleaned, and took care of me though out the weekend. I could not have felt more loved.
Monday, my plan was to go back to work. My body had other ideas. Once I realized I couldn’t stand without the room spinning, Aaron declared I should stay home. For the first time, in a really long time, I slept, watched movies by myself and did absolutely not one inch of laundry or housework.
I did move to the front living room couch to await Kiera’s arrival from school that afternoon. I watched as Pop pulled up in front of the house and Kiera excitedly bailed out of the truck. She unlocked the door, walked in the house and upon seeing me on the couch said with a smile on her face; “You are going to be in big trouble if Daddy finds out you moved to this couch.”
Surgery is not something I want to do again anytime soon, but I had the best care not only at home but at Hendrick Surgery Center as well. Dr. Stewart, Chad (the anesthesiologist) and the nurses that were with me were top notch. Constantly making sure I was doing well, checking my comfort and just overall making me feel comfortable. I appreciate each of you. I wish I had been able to get the names of the nurses that were with me to thank them individually.
I also want to thank everyone that called, texted and checked in on us after my surgery. We are blessed with great friends and family!
Rowonna McNeely works as the Communications Manager for the Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce. She and her husband, Aaron are regular volunteers in the community, and have their hands full with their daughter, Kiera, along with three dogs and one cat.
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