The Great Mosquito Killer

A couple of days ago we were headed somewhere in the truck. Aaron was driving; I’m in the passenger seat and Kiera was in the back seat. Aaron and I were talking about something random when all of a sudden, Kiera shrieks from the back seat.
“Get off!” She yelled, panic in her voice. “Get off me!”
“Kiera!” I loudly said twisting in my seat to see what predator had suddenly appeared in the back seat. “What is going on?”
“It’s a bug!” She said, voice trembling. “I think it flew away.”
Not seeing a huge bug zooming around the back seat, I turned back to face forwards. Not five seconds later, Kiera shrieked again. “Stop! Get off!”
“Baby girl!” I yelled trying to get her attention.
Aaron glanced at her in the rearview mirror and calmly asked, “What kind of bug is it?”
“I don’t know.” She replied swinging her hands through the air.
“Is it a fly or mosquito?” Aaron quizzed her.
“There it is!” She exclaimed pointing at the window beside her.
Again, I twisted in my seat to see what horrible bug was close to carrying my child off. “Honey. That’s a mosquito.” I said dryly. “You have to kill it.”
She shuddered and held her hand poised to swing at the mosquito. “Ahhh!” She shrieked, swinging her hand towards the mosquito before stopping in mid-air to clutch her hands together. “I can’t!”
I watched as the mosquito took flight and headed to the back of the truck.
“Kiera! He won’t bite you!” I exclaimed at the exact same time that Aaron said, “If you don’t kill it, it will bite you!”
In my defense, when I stated, “He won’t bite you” I was actually thinking of something more like a bee or yellow jacket… Ok. Yes, I know they sting. Let’s just move on.
I quickly amended my statement and said to her, “If you don’t kill it, it will suck your blood.” I considered doing a face palm at that moment but thankfully, no one really heard what I said.
Aaron rolled her window down as he continued to drive and Kiera continued to glance around as if waiting to be attacked.
Just when it looked like things would calm down, Aaron sputtered. Apparently, the murderous mosquito was attempting to land on Aaron’s lips.
It flew to his chest where Aaron delivered a deathblow and finally we were all saved.
I am considering awarding him with a life-saving certificate. Kiera could sign it and present it to him… the great mosquito killer, defender of the family… Or maybe we should just get Kiera a rolled up newspaper to defend herself from the evil clutches of the mosquito.
Rowonna McNeely works as the Communications Manager for the Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce. She and her husband, Aaron are regular volunteers in the community, and have their hands full with their daughter, Kiera, along with three dogs and one cat.
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