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Glitter and Buns

Well, we survived another dance recital. That makes it sound like dance recitals aren’t fun. They really are. It’s a lot of hard work for everyone, but it is amazing to see the happiness that radiates off of each dancer’s face as they complete their dance and walk off stage knowing that they have given their best.

I never actually saw myself as a dance mom. I mean, last year, I couldn’t even handle putting Kiera’s hair in a simple bun. In all honesty, the statement “if your dancer is in ballet, make sure their hair is in a bun” would send chills down my spine. Don’t laugh. It’s a terrifying statement.

And since we are on this topic… did you know there’s a right way and a wrong way to put a bobby pin in? It’s ridiculous. They look fairly simple, but I’ve never been able to work them. Just ask my friend Katrina. She watched me try to put Kiera’s hair in a bun for pictures a couple of weeks ago. Needless to say, she had to dig out a couple extra bobby pins and take over.

But guess what? Two nights of recital and I rocked putting Kiera’s hair in a bun. I was even asked to help another girl with her hair. That’s right. I am now an accomplished bun-hair-putter-upper. It’s a real thing. I deserve an award for that.

This year I helped out back stage, making sure props were handed out, shoes were tied, jackets were on correctly… and that the girls were excited and remembered to have fun as they headed out on the stage. I loved it.

The camaraderie during the recital is at a completely different level than just normal classes. As one group of dancers performed, there was always another group waiting in the wings to move into place as soon as the other group was finished. It was amazing to watch the high fives, the hugs and the praise that was given to the group as they left the stage. Different ages and sizes would reach out to congratulate the group coming off the floor.

When it was close to time for Kiera to go onstage, I would run back to the dressing room and help her change into her next dance outfit. I was checking a group of dancers’ outfits when she strolled backstage, in her next dance outfit.

She smiled innocently at me as I gawked at her. “Who helped you?” I asked.

“I did it myself.” She stated beaming proudly.

Remembering that her outfit had previously been hanging from the top of a door, I stuttered out, “But… how did you get your ballet dress down?”

“I asked a lady and she handed it to me.’ She replied nonchalantly. “And I put my tiara on by myself.”

I leaned down and hugged her tightly to me, thinking how much she has grown. Then it was my turn to beam as she danced out on stage, sparkling as she moved.

This year as she sparkled and danced across the floor, she radiated more confidence and grace then the previous year. I know a large part of that is because of her amazing dance teachers. They work hard with the girls while also encouraging and loving on them. We are blessed to be a part of the KG Dance Studio family and are thankful for each of their staff members.

Now, for the next couple of weeks, if I seem to sparkle a little more than usual, it’s part of being a dance mom. You don’t have to tell me that I have glitter in my hair, on my face, clothes, etc.

Glitter is amazing. Just a tiny bit on a makeup brush will transfer from your hands, to your clothes, face, sheets, dogs, dining room table… in fact, if Aaron sparkles a little this week, just tell him what a great dance dad he is.

Rowonna McNeely works as the Communications Manager for the Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce. She and her husband, Aaron are regular volunteers in the community, and have their hands full with their daughter, Kiera, along with three dogs and one cat.

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