Highway Robbery

A couple of weeks ago, we were all laying on our king size bed. Ok… it wasn’t actually ALL of us. It was Aaron, Kiera, myself, Reis and Ziggy. Sloane and Gracie had opted out of the everyone-climb-on-Mom-and-Dad’s-bed plan.
It’s actually interesting to see. It is usually like a giant puzzle when we are all on there. Anyways, we were telling jokes, relaxing and just having fun.
“Ugh.” I said as I rolled over. I had done some hardcore yard work a few days before and was feeling the after effects. “I will pay someone to massage my hip.”
Now, I’m thinking this is a good gig for someone, especially my child, who gives out massages on a regular basis. Although, they are generally short… hence the reason I was willing to pay... you know, so maybe she would work a little longer.
“You’ll pay?” Aaron asked while laughing. “Why don’t you schedule and use the gift certificate for the massage we bought you?”
“Meh. I plan on it. Just after I get the yard finished.” I grumbled. I mean, come on! Who wants to go get a lovely massage, get all relaxed and then a couple days later get everything un-relaxed on weeding a yard? Not me. I plan to savor that gift certificate when I finally use it.
“Dad, she will probably pay a penny.” Kiera piped up from between us.
I rolled to my side to face Aaron and Kiera; pushing a giant Reis paw out of my face so I could properly glare at them.
“Please. I’ll pay two dollars!” I stated emphatically. Yes, I know I was really pushing the envelope with that one.
Kiera turned and looked at me with the most serious look on her face. “Mom. Is that all your hips are worth?” She asked somehow managing to convey her disappointment in that statement.
I sighed and countered back, “Ok. Ok. I’ll pay three dollars.”
Without batting an eye, my sweet child replied, “I was thinking more like six.”
Straight up highway robbery… from my own child, no less!
We settled on five dollars. I know, I can hold out with the best of them.
Rowonna McNeely works as the Communications Manager for the Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce. She and her husband, Aaron are regular volunteers in the community, and have their hands full with their daughter, Kiera, along with three dogs and one cat.
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