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We Came In Like A Wrecking Ball

If you have ever heard the song lyric, “I came in like a wrecking ball” and wondered what that might look like… well, I can tell you.

Friday after work, Kiera and I loaded all three dogs up to go to the vet. Now, just as a refresher, I’ll give you details on each one again. Sloane, is our oldest at 13 years old. She is shar-pei/lab mix and weighs in at 60 pounds. Next, we have Ziggy, who is a Boxer mix and weighs in at 75 pounds. Last, but not least, we have Reis, our Great Dane who weighs 125 pounds.

They were so excited to get to ride in the SUV and quickly bounded inside, each settling in a spot. Ziggy and Sloane took the back seat, while Reis took the cargo area where the 3rd row seats were stowed.

It seemed like a normal car ride until we went under the Vine street underpass and Reis began to cry. Now, if you have never heard a Great Dane cry, let me just tell you, it is something you never want to experience. I quickly pulled over into the Depot parking lot, instructing Kiera to hold Ziggy and Sloane’s leashes so I could open the back hatch and check on Reis.

I quickly discovered the source of his crying. Somehow, he had managed to wedge two of the pads on his back paw in between the stowed seats. No idea how it happened. All I knew was it was not something I could handle myself. Kiera began to cry as she listened to Reis cry.

Deciding on a plan of action, I called the vet’s office to let them know we were going to be late, sped across to the Fire Station and ran inside. Assistant Chief Johnston and Captain Groom came out to assist… well, take charge of the situation. Kiera held Ziggy and Sloane’s leashes again as Captain Groom began to assess the situation.

Thankfully, Captain Groom figured out how to release Reis from his predicament fairly easily without causing further harm.

Thanking them and taking a deep breath, I jumped back in the SUV to continue our supposed-to-be-simple trip to the vet.

We pulled up into the parking lot and all three dogs were overcome with excitement at the prospect of being somewhere new. Holding all three leashes, we walked in side and… this is where the wrecking ball part comes in.

Inside sat a gentleman with his German Shepherd. Reis was ecstatic at the idea that there was another dog. He was so ecstatic that he began to bark in his deep, deep bark, tail wagging ninety to nothing. This in turn set Ziggy off. He began to bark as well. I tried to step in front of Reis, somehow hoping if he couldn’t see the German Shepherd he would stop barking. Nope. He just pulled on his leash.

While trying to confront my two heathen dogs, I noticed out of the corner of my eye, a sweet little lady walking out of a room. She was holding the tiniest Chihuahua in her arms. As soon as she noticed my barking brood, she began walking backwards into the room she was just leaving. Her Chihuahua began to shake even more.

The gentleman with the German Shepherd was quickly called back to a room but before Reis and Ziggy had a moment to breathe, another dog owner walked out of a room with his two dogs.

I didn’t even hesitate. I spied an open exam room at the end of the lobby and walked my over-excited group inside. Tails wagging, tongues hanging out, they stood beside me as if waiting to see what other adventure might be awaiting them around the corner.

Kiera followed me into the room. “Do you want me to go check in and tell them we are here?” She asked.

“Oh, honey. I’m pretty sure they know we are here but go ahead and tell them where we are.” I responded, wiping the sweat off my forehead.

I was fairly certain at that point everyone knew we had arrived.

The good news is everyone had a great report and they behaved for the most part during their exams. Even better, is that all three of our sweet fur babies rode home in Aaron’s truck.

Rowonna McNeely works as the Communications Manager for the Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce. She and her husband, Aaron are regular volunteers in the community, and have their hands full with their daughter, Kiera, along with three dogs and one cat.

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