Fluffy Unicorn

Our weekend was thankfully fairly low-key. In fact, it was close to perfect. We were able to relax, play in the pool, spent time with some family and friends… overall it was a great-extended weekend.
One night we waited until it was dark, and then went out to the pool with a handful of glow sticks. We swam, played and laughed all by the light of glow sticks.
The next afternoon, we headed out to the swimming pool armed with water balloons. Aaron was kind enough to blow them up while Mom and I floated. Kiera was Aaron’s assistant.
He must have blown up at least 30 water balloons. Kiera would toss them to the center of the pool after they were filled and tied off.
Finally, the battle was on. Kiera and Aaron teamed up and began to pummel me with water balloons. I tossed them back as quickly as I could grab them. Mom swiftly gathered them on her float behind me.
We all managed to get in some good hits. In fact, I might have accidentally pegged Aaron in the eye. Hypothetically speaking. He doesn’t have a black eye, so as long as no one mentions it, there is no proof.
After several balloons popped, Kiera declared that it was time to make more water balloons. Grabbing a handful, Aaron began the task of filling the balloons.
“We are going to beat y’all!” Kiera exclaimed bouncing and splashing in the water.
“I don’t think so!” I responded while laughing.
“We need team names!” Kiera shouted. “Think of a team name and then we will tell each other what they are.”
Mom and I discussed possible names as Kiera huddled near Aaron whispering ideas back and forth.
We decided on “Dead Eye” for our team name. It was in reference to the hypothetical beaning of Aaron’s eye… hypothetical.
“Ok! We have our name!” I hollered across to Aaron and Kiera.
“We do too!” Kiera stated, whirling around in the water. “What is yours?”
“Dead Eye!”
“Ours is Fluffy Unicorn.” Kiera responded excitedly.
I managed to not snicker or make a face as I glanced at Aaron.
“I’m not really sure how tough Fluffy Unicorn sounds.” Aaron stated as he continued to fill balloons.
I found out later that was part of Kiera’s master plan. During the whispering, she had informed Aaron, “We can call ourselves Fluffy Unicorn so they will think we are weak, but then we will come out and dominate them.”
Apparently though, after hearing our tough name she decided to change theirs.
Mom and I proceeded to toss out some ideas, but Kiera informed us that it was their team and they would decide.
After a short deliberation, the new name was announced. “We will be Stone Heart!” Kiera announced, tossing a water balloon in the air.
“We are going to crush you.” She stated with a gleam in her eyes.
Over the course of the next 45 minutes, balloons were tossed; refuge was taken behind floats and pool noodles. Kiera even implored a few spy techniques by sweet talking her way to my side with a hug, then snatching as many water balloons as she could and making her way back to the other side.
We climbed out of the pool exhausted but still laughing. Now, I’m off to draw up battle plans for next weekend’s water balloon war.
I’m thankful for the opportunity we had to celebrate our independence this last weekend. I’m proud to be a part of this great nation and I am thankful for all the men and women who have served her from 1776 till now. God bless the USA.
Rowonna McNeely works as the Communications Manager for the Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce. She and her husband, Aaron are regular volunteers in the community, and have their hands full with their daughter, Kiera, along with three dogs and one cat.
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