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Q & A Part 2

A few months ago, I sat down with Kiera and asked her different questions, just to see what her responses would be. We both enjoyed it and so we decided to do it again. I hope you enjoy her answers as much as I did.

Now, let me preface the first two questions with a side note. Ever since Kiera was born she has always loved milk. In fact, if we would let her she would drink it all day, every day. When we sat down to do the question and answer session, she had just asked for a glass of milk.

I explained to her that it was almost bedtime and then she could have her glass of milk. Now… on to the question and answer segment.

If you could do anything right now, what would you do?

Drink milk (insert Kiera smirk here)

What do you look forward to when you wake up?

My milk (continued Kiera smirk)

If you opened a store, what would you sell?

I would do dance. I mean, that’s not really a store. I’ve never dreamed about opening a shop. But if I had to open a store I would probably give away Jolly Ranchers.

What makes you feel brave?

The people that encourage me and also God.

What makes you happy?

Coming home and seeing my family happy and my puppies happy. That just makes me happy.

How do you show people you care?

I do kind deeds for them when they need help and if someone is bullying them I will stand up for them.

What do you enjoy giving people?

Little bits of kindness

If you designed clothes, what would they look like?

In my head, I have something very good. In my head. Ok. Ok. I'll tell you what I see. I see a white shirt with a black kind of leather jacket and ripped up jeans and a black headband bow that is tilted to the side of your head

What makes you feel thankful?

Jesus. I feel thankful that He died for our sins.

Where would you like to travel? (I loved this question. She actually leaned in close to me to whisper her answer.)

I’ve always wanted to ask you if we could ride a plane to Paris.

What’s your favorite color?

It’s actually aqua-green.

What’s your favorite tv show?

Fuller House

If you were in a play, what would your character be like?

Well, I was just in a play. So if I was in a movie, I would be kind, and homeschooled, and have a ton of siblings, and my name would be Rose.

You’re a photographer for a day, what would you take pictures of?

(Laughing) I was one on career day! I would take pictures of things that fascinate me. It could be anything. Sunsets, pretty flowers or things that are unusual.

What’s the worst smell in the world?

Heat. Because when there’s no air conditioning in a building, it gets really rotten and gross.

What three words would you use to describe our family?

Sweet, generous and funny

What time does your Mom wake up in the morning?

(another Kiera smirk) I don’t know. Why you asking me?

How many kids are you going to have when you get older?

(She looked up from the toy that she was fiddling with and gave me the craziest baffled look.) What kind of question is that?

...And with that, question time was over.

I love being able to ask her random questions and see what her thoughts are or where her mind goes. I'm thankful that she knows how to love and to love God. I'm grateful for her caring heart and kind spirit.... and I love her little smirks and sarcasm... that part is all from Aaron. I don't know the first thing about sarcasm.

Rowonna McNeely works as the Communications Manager for the Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce. She and her husband, Aaron are regular volunteers in the community, and have their hands full with their daughter, Kiera, along with three dogs and one cat.

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