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Frozen Science Experiments

I never know what I am going to find in my freezer. It changes from day to day. I am not talking about your standard items; such as frozen veggies, meat... ice cubes.

My freezer usually has different "science experiments" hanging out.

For instance, one of these projects is an egg carton that has been cut so there are only 6 spaces. Each space is half-filled with water... or ice now. I probably should ask what its purpose is...

The other "science experiment" that is currently residing in our freezer is a metal dish. The bottom of this dish is covered with a green substance and has a smattering of ice cubes on top.

I am familiar with this one, although now that I think about it, I am not sure why it is still in the freezer.

This particular experiment was made out of sugar, milk, a LOT of green food coloring and I am not quite sure what else was used. I was in the kitchen when the green food coloring container was emptied.

A couple of nights ago, after we had finished dinner, Kiera went in the kitchen and retrieved the green experiment. "Ok!" She trilled. "We are going to taste this."

My lips immediately puckered. "Oh... ummm... what's in it?" I asked hesitantly.

Aaron was not phased. Of course, he had not actually seen the green goop. I mean, green experiment.

"It has sugar, milk..." She paused, wrinkling her brow in concentration. "I can't remember what else I put in there."

At this point, it dawned on Aaron the predicament that we were in. He glanced at Kiera, noted that she was facing away from us and looked at me with wide eyes. I shrugged back at him, unsure of the next few minutes.

Kiera turned to face Aaron holding the metal bowl outstretched towards him. She was beaming as she watched him dip a finger in the chilled experiment.

I watched as well. I don't think I was beaming as much as I was waiting to see if there was a flicker of disgust on his face.

He touched the tip of his green covered finger to his tongue. Kiera and I both waited.

"It's very sweet." He replied.

I watched him for a brief moment waiting to see if he suddenly had super strength, x-ray vision, or turned green.

"Your turn, Mom!" Kiera said as she turned to me with the bowl.

I glanced back at Aaron one last time, making sure nothing had transpired in the last few seconds while I had glanced away.

Looking back at Kiera, I smiled as I dipped my finger in and touched it to my tongue. Immediately, my taste buds were assailed with sugary sweetness. "Wow! Dad was right. It is sweet! But, it's not bad."

She grinned at both of us before setting the bowl down in front of her. I know she didn't eat it. I know this because it is back in the freezer...

On a side note: Aaron can see through everything but lead and has a green glow about him.

Rowonna McNeely her husband, Aaron are regular volunteers in the community, and have their hands full with their daughter, Kiera, along with three dogs and one cat.

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