Dedicated to Educate

It's 8:30 p.m. on a Monday night and I am sitting on the couch watching Kiera interact with her teachers and other classmates through video chat.
I'm not focused on the pile of papers and legos that can be seen in the video chat behind Kiera. Obviously, we don't do a lot of video chat, hence the mess that can be seen behind her.
What I am focused on is the level of dedication, patience, and commitment these teachers have shown to continue to help each student. All four of Kiera's teachers appeared on the video chat, working to navigate through problems, audio and technical.
They smiled, laughed, asked the kids questions, and greeted each one that logged on.
Honestly, it brought tears to my eyes at how hard they are working for our kids.
Just in case you didn't understand, it is 8:30 at night and these men and women are taking time out of their night to make sure that my child and others know that their teachers are available to help them any way they can.
And there are other teachers out there working just as hard as Kiera's teachers. Today, teachers stood outside the schools handing out packets of school work. This is not a normal day for them or anyone else for that matter. But, they are making the best of it.
Not only are they making the best of it, but they are continuing to encourage my child. They are showing Kiera that even in the face of adversity and change, you have to strive on... with a smile on your face.
Times are crazy right now, but I will continue to be thankful.
To every teacher, administrator, counselor, teacher's aide, cafeteria, and janitorial staff... THANK YOU.
Rowonna McNeely her husband, Aaron are regular volunteers in the community, and have their hands full with their daughter, Kiera, along with three dogs and one cat.
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